Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And so this is one of the reasons why there was a women's lib, I suppose

My husband asked me once, "Why in all these commercials they make the guys out to be like such baffoons?" Considering we both used to work in the commercial broadcast industry we kind of know the answer, but nonetheless, the male character portrayed on TV these days on sitcoms and commercials is most often a bumbling idiot, and the wives are usually the superior characters.

The following Volkwagen ad from an August 14, 1964 Life magazine edition may provide the answer in a sort of advertising karma way. Us wives, we were the baffoons in the 60s.

I can't help but scoff at the tone of this ad. The "dumb wife does it again..." Probably written by some pipe smoking art director on Madison Avenue, similar to one of the misogynist characters on the TV show, "Mad Men", as this ad was written during the era the show portrays.

Oh us dumb chicks, window shopping again and not watching where we're going. Tisk tisk. Thanks to Volkswagen our husbands won't get so mad at us.

Oh how we've come a long way.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Yay! The zinnias are blooming

The kids and I planted these from seed around my mailbox in June and figured they would take all summer to bloom. I'm so excited that in the past couple of days the buds have started to pop open! I just love summer. My favorite season of all.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

And let the buying commence

There was some advice that was provided to me and a friend at a local craft show once as we were talking with a fellow vendor about our Etsy shops. Here's the simple advice: list something daily. And this is good advice coming from someone who has had 845 sales on her site, as opposed to my, *ahem* 17. And I believe in it, because I've experienced the proof. I've been a little lax with listing new things and feeling a bit indecisive about where the business is going. As it turns out the answer is a little more complex than I may want it to be. The simple answer is: do what sells. But the business may very well need multiple personalities in order for me to sustain a future to make this my career. While my crafts are the most items that have sold, it's a bit of a turn from what the business plan was from the beginning. But hey, go with the flow right?

Anyway, back to the Etsy advice. I have been listing like a crazy woman yesterday and today. Wedding coasters, custom trivets, art trivets, and more coasters. The kids were away with my sister-in-law for the day/night yesterday so it gave me a little peace and quiet to really concentrate on some things. It's amazing what you can get done without kids around! I can't wait until Andrew goes to school full-time! (*sigh* 2 more years to wait on that one. When I think back to before I had kids, I have no idea what I did with myself on a daily basis).

So now, please come back to me, listing karma. I've listed like a mad woman. Now let the buying commence.

This is a new listing: a custom trivet.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When a little gratitude goes a long way

As most of you know, at the end of March this year, I hosted a craft show at my son's school. Well, as it is common in life, things don't always go as planned, and a few weeks before the show I found out I was getting laid off from my day job at J.P. Morgan. Needless to say, my stress level sky rocketed at this time. Obviously so close to the show I couldn't cancel it, although truthfully, that's what I wanted to do. When I got the news I would be laid off, I wanted to crawl into a hole. I wanted to crawl into a really deep, large hole. But it's true when they say time heals wounds, because while I have my good days and bad days on how I feel about my new business venture, I am no longer in panic mode.

And in the end, after a few bumps in the road, and a few difficult people, the craft show worked out. From the beginning of the planning, I wanted my intention of profits going to the art department to be a surprise. We raised over $900 for the art department, and I left a note for the art teacher at the end of the school year to let her know about the money. Since then, I haven't really thought about it at all, since this past spring turned out to be a time I didn't want to remember anyway. It actually seems like a long time ago already, because so much has changed in my life in just a few short months.

So a surprise came in the mail today. A thank you note. And a wonderfully written thank you note from the art teacher herself, thanking me for the money we raised. Here it is below:

It warmed my heart to read her kind words and made me feel that I had accomplished something good after all. That while life throws you curves, you persevere and continue going, because it is worthwhile in the end.

And so it made my day.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Artisan Sunday

Just a reminder that I will be back down at the North Market tomorrow from 12-5 for Artisan Sunday hawking our wares! Here's a list of what will be on sale tomorrow:

Magnets (NEW!)
The brand new "Caption This" card line (NEW!)
Prints of original photography
Gift tags made of handmade paper
Flour sack towels
Recycled paper cards (NEW!)

Most items for sale are not available on the online Etsy shop, so if you live in central Ohio, come down to see me in person! According to the forecast it won't be a pool day, so make it a shopping day!

Hope to see you there tomorrow from 12-5. The North Market is located in downtown Columbus on Spruce Street.

And the winner is...

I would just like to thank the players of what will now become a regular contest from Revelry Press! I received some FANTASTIC entries --- ALL of which were really funny and worthy of their own prizes --- but there was one that seemed totally original and worthy of the first award.

Introducing the first card in the new "Caption This!" card line from Revelry Press:

Caption written by Michael D. Friedman.

The next "Caption This" contest will take place on August 21st. Subscribe to the blog or if you're not already a facebook fan of Revelry Press, click the facebook button to become a fan so you can get a reminder for the next contest. Lots of fun and free prizes! And new loot being added to the shop weekly!

Thanks again, everyone, for playing along!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yippee! A contest! Win a FREEBIE from the SHOP!

And just because we had fun yesterday... here's another "Caption This!"

This time, the best caption gets a FREE coaster with the image of their choice! We need a great caption to go with this photo for a NEW CARD. Best caption gets featured on the new card that will be for sale online and at the North Market this weekend. A win win for all!

Captions are due by NOON TOMORROW. Free item includes free shipping if you are outside the central Ohio area and will also include the new card.

Here's today's photo:

Good luck!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Caption This!

And now, back by popular demand! (not really, I just thought that sounded cool).

It's "Caption This!". Hmmm, what could this quaint little family from 1972 be praying for? Give it your best humorous try...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Honest S(crap)?

So I got this meme last week from my online friend, Heather, which actually works out to be good timing. Because here I am, staring at a blinking cursor wondering what I need to say to the internet world these days. I haven't got much to say other than I'm working. And being a mommy. Then working again. Then trying to squeeze in a bit of facebook fun like it's some forbidden candy or something. And then, back to work. Artisan Sunday is coming up this week, and if you follow my blog at all or know me in person, you know I'm not a planner. (See: running around like a banshee).

Anyway, this is a great diversion. Just what my readers need. A little more information about Kate. Right? Right.

Here's how the Honest Scrap Award works:

I must thank the person who gave me the award and list their blog and link it.

I must list 10 honest things about myself.

I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.

I must select at least 7 other worthy bloggers & list their links (I may not be able to accomplish this one).

I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above requirements.

So before I go into the awful truth, thank you Mrs Heather of the lovely Cool Zebras for bestowing upon me this fine award. I'm a little verklempt. *sniff*

1. I have an extreme fear of heights.
2. Due to #1, I am extremely afraid of flying. Big time.
3. I love watching shows about cakes. I am amazed at the artwork that goes into pastry design.
4. I have a long list of crafts that I would love to learn if I had the time. Cake decorating being one of them (see #3). And sewing. Definitely sewing.
5. I have a fear of learning how to sew though, as I'm afraid it's the type of craft I may get completely wrapped up in and you'll find me madly sewing in the corner of the room at 2am because I just can't shut the Singer off.
6. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive and understand that now about myself (see above).
7. I miss the beach.
8. I wish I were more patient with my kids.
9. I wish most days I would just let the day take me to wherever it's going.
10. For that matter, I really wish I would just relax and let life itself lead me to where I belong.
10A. But truthfully, I think I've made some progress on this one in the past few years.

Nominees for the next 10 items of truth are:
Three Faces of Fiber Art
Peace Meal

Monday, July 13, 2009

My new toy

My new toy came in the mail today!

My new "brand" for my brand. So now I can brand all my loot without having to print off tags or print the back of invitations anymore.

A totally sweet steal of $11 from rubberstamps.net. Totally worth the work it will save me from spreading the word. Thanks for the speedy shipping rubberstamps.net!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Just another place on the internets that you can find me

So if I didn't think I had enough of an online presence with 4 blogs (only one active now), an online shop, and a facebook page, I needed to add one more.

I've always wanted to find a good place to showcase my photography and start taking myself more seriously as an artist in that respect. Flickr was not really doing it for me as a professional resource, so I came across another site that has a great online presentation. I just started this yesterday, and will be in the process of building this site up even more. The new link to my work is at:


I guess when someone like me has multiple interests, I need multiple websites. Hope you get a chance to check it out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Loot

I don't post enough about the new loot around here. So..... drum rooooollllll..... I introduce to you the Vintage Tractor Toy invitations! With matching t-shirts!!

I had lots of fun working on this one. I was so lucky to have been able to borrow a vintage toy catalog from a friend so I can scan some old toys. I wasn't sure what I was gong to be using them all for yet, but I found a good use for the tractor toy. What kid in Ohio doesn't love tractors, right?

So this wasn't on my to-do list when I started my day out today, but some days just work out that way. It's been on a "back burner" to-do list for a while anyway, so might as well get 'er done. And my son has fun posing for the pictures, too! Speaking of the photos, I like to try new things when it comes to photographing the items for the website, too. There are so many good product photographers on Etsy! In my experience, I've noticed the better the item is photographed the more likely someone will buy it.

The T-Shirt

The Invitations

(I know you totally want to buy these now just because of the pictures).

Totally late 4th of July photos

I was reading Mayberry's post yesterday and checking out all of her adorably cute pictures from the 4th of July, and I was like, hey! I totally forgot to post my own! So here they are. A few days late for those that don't follow on facebook.

May I offer you a piece of pound cake with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries?

Give me the candy! I am addicted to candy!

Fun with sparklers!

A number 9? An upside down 6? A letter g?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What I'm working on

When you are trying to develop your own business, it becomes very clear that you have no social life. I can't say I was ever a huge social butterfly, but I like my share of parties and social gatherings over warm cups of tea or full glasses of cabernet with ladies, men, old friends, new friends, family, whomever will give me the time of day. So when I get completely out of touch and overwhelmed by work, I feel deprived. All wha-wha-wha, whoa is me, why don't I have her life. A good friend last night made me realize that I have a lot going for me. And while I secretly do feel blessed to have what I have in life, there's nothing like a friend to tell you that. Tell you that you are talented. Tell you that what you are doing is good. Especially when it comes from a person whose opinion you respect.

Like many people I suffer from a lack of self-confidence, but maybe now is the time to shed that fear. Lack of self-confidence almost seems reserved for the adolescents of the world, and the fact that I am nearing forty, it becomes like, what have I got to lose?

I'm working on another photo restoration project for a family reunion we have coming up this month, and I'm looking into the eyes of my grandparents wondering what they thought of themselves back in the day. They raised 7 children, worked very hard, were good Catholics, and seemed very much in love. Did they ever put themselves first? Was it such a luxury in their time to even consider the concept of channeling one's self-confidence?

Maybe I just don't need to analyze it, and just do it. Just forget whether I am not confident or confident and just be me. Because again, what have I got to lose? There's only one life.

So I'm working on that.

Here is the picture I'm restoring. I'll post up the end result later.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Cover of "The Saturday Evening Post", 1942

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dad, 22 years today

I'm not sure if this blog can handle another post about my dad, but I feel I just can't let the day go by without commemorating him in some way. He died on this day 22 years ago.

And I still miss him.

And I still hurt for what happened.

And I still cry every July 3rd, no matter what is going on or wherever I am.

But the sadness is a brief disintegration of what is usually a fairly normal day otherwise. I continue on, as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, even though I don't want to on a day like this. And tomorrow will be another day. And another year will have passed without him. And I've lived more years without him now than with him. And so what does all this pain mean anyway? Why do I care so much? I guess I just wish I knew him now, so he could see me for who I am today.

And we could chat about business. And art. And photography. And computers. He would love computers today. And the internet. There was no internet when he was alive. Or maybe he would hate it.

Who knows. It's a conversation that only takes place in my dreams.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New project: sneak peek

I've been fairly busy with filling orders this week and last, which has been good for the positivity. I'm also working on new invitation designs this week which will be launching soon. Monday, I did the unbearably boring process of going through the sales report and financials and receipts the other day. Thankfully I have successfully recruited my retired mother to help me keep track of the books, who is much better at managing money than me. Trying to stay positive during the slow development period of a new business can get trying at times to say the least. But while bouncing from one project to another yesterday with my heat press loaded up, I discovered a new application for my art.

I guess I could say with certainty that photography would be my medium of choice for how I express myself artistically. However, I've always wanted to take it one step further and integrate my art into other applications. So while I've succeeded with that so far with the coasters and invitations and other paper projects, yesterday I worked on another application that I'm really excited about.

I usually don't like to post or talk about stuff that isn't finished yet, but wanted to share my new work. I still need to tweak the varnishing technique and the transfer application, but I'm really psyched about it! I'm going to start transferring select images from my library onto pieces of scrap wood. So I'm on the hunt now for scrap wood and metal for use as fixtures for hanging. If I can't find any cool metal I'll probably go with a traditional hanging fixture. I hope to have some done before the next craft show on the 19th, but I'm not going to rush it because I'd like to take my time with these.

So, now that you know what I have cooking here, what have you got cooking?