There's been this ongoing project poking at me everyday saying, "just get it done already!" It's the kind of project that in your own little world you think is such a big important fucking deal that you pine away at it for weeks about how to make it the most perfectly completed thing in the whole wide world. So it's the perfectionist in me that slows me down. But today marks a victory. Today the project is complete.
The project is this care package I've been putting together for an old friend/former manager from a paper store in NJ. I'm putting together some of my samples of work to get feedback on, and possibly do business with again. We've re-connected recently and it was so damn fun chatting with her about old times. I had so much fun with her when we used to work together. A really great friend. A terrific sense of humor. I giggle just thinking about her.
So it's the kind of package that needs to be just right. So I crafted my own large envelope with some special paper that held all the instructions about the goodies I was sending. And then packaged up all the goodies with probably too much wrapping to protect it while in transit.
I know I'm over thinking this. I know it's overkill. But I'm excited about this whole line of work again; the paper goods, the invitations, the cards, the handcrafted stuff. Revelry seems to be speeding up to a particular pace now. I feel more and more of a sense everyday about exactly what I need to do. It's sort of starting to direct me, rather than me trying to figure out where to head.
It feels like I'm heading to my inner home. Now if only I can make a living to keep the outer home. Rather than being tied to a job you can't stand to make the mortgage, wouldn't doing what you love really be the American dream?
I like me some OCD. And hooray for done!
Yes it would be the American dream - you go girl!!!
Celebrate! You got it done!
It sounds like things are really taking off! Great to hear!
Hooray! It must be so exciting to be passionate about your work (I wouldn't know, haha!).
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