When you are trying to develop your own business, it becomes very clear that you have no social life. I can't say I was ever a huge social butterfly, but I like my share of parties and social gatherings over warm cups of tea or full glasses of cabernet with ladies, men, old friends, new friends, family, whomever will give me the time of day. So when I get completely out of touch and overwhelmed by work, I feel deprived. All wha-wha-wha, whoa is me, why don't I have her life. A good friend last night made me realize that I have a lot going for me. And while I secretly do feel blessed to have what I have in life, there's nothing like a friend to tell you that. Tell you that you are talented. Tell you that what you are doing is good. Especially when it comes from a person whose opinion you respect.
Like many people I suffer from a lack of self-confidence, but maybe now is the time to shed that fear. Lack of self-confidence almost seems reserved for the adolescents of the world, and the fact that I am nearing forty, it becomes like, what have I got to lose?
I'm working on another photo restoration project for a family reunion we have coming up this month, and I'm looking into the eyes of my grandparents wondering what they thought of themselves back in the day. They raised 7 children, worked very hard, were good Catholics, and seemed very much in love. Did they ever put themselves first? Was it such a luxury in their time to even consider the concept of channeling one's self-confidence?
Maybe I just don't need to analyze it, and just do it. Just forget whether I am not confident or confident and just be me. Because again, what have I got to lose? There's only one life.
So I'm working on that.
Here is the picture I'm restoring. I'll post up the end result later.
1 comment:
In all things...balance. You'll find your balance soon...
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