I posted about Etsy not long before, when I mentioned the great advice I got from a local seller. That advice is still true. What also is true with Etsy, is that it seems like if you give to the universe, it gives back. Over the last couple of weeks I had been featured on a couple things and it's been so delightful to see the response. I'm getting excited over shop "hearts" know like I used to get excited over blog comments. (They like me! They really like me!)
So anyway, back to the adage of what comes around goes around, I wanted to start featuring my favorite finds from Etsy every week. Just to give back. And show a little love. There's a few blogs out there that do the same, so I wanted to jump on the bandwagon.
My newest favorite shop is from digital artist, John W. Golden. I love his artistic style, and while it was difficult to decide what to get from his shop because he had a lot of camera themed art (and you know how I am about cameras!) I purchased this:

Lowtops Black on red in 5x5 square
I own a pair of black and white lowtops and so figured it was totally appropriate.
And the rest of this week's favorite finds with no particular theme in mind are as follows:

Fun Print Headbands

Take this job and LOVE it

City of fun carnival

Snoopy and Dennis the Menace Books

Cashmere Slippers (these are adorable!)
For more of my favorites, you can click on the widget to the right.
I am planning to do just this sort of thing on my !brand new! etsy shop blog.
Thanks, man!
What a great idea. I'm doing it, too! :D
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