To confirm, I still do, but since I moved to Columbus Ohio, I'm trying very hard to embrace my hometown. I grew up on the Jersey Shore and lived in either NJ or NYC for about 33 years of my life. We've been here 6 years and yet it still is hard to call it "home". NJ is really "home" for arguments sake, Columbus is a place where I moved to and settled. At least that's how I feel. Not for lack of the great friends I've made and the wonderful arts and crafts community I've found, but because there just isn't anything quite as familiar as the streets you walked when you were a kid. And I still get the warm fuzzies when I go back.
In the spirit of embracing that hometown pride, I created something brand new the other day and showed it at my recent craft show. Using that old nostalgic postcard design, I've made a new chalkboard. Not a mini, but something larger that can function as either art or something to write on. Whatever you prefer. And I'm working on getting other states and cities because I know everyone has a "home" they left a long time ago and maybe needs a little reminder of familiarity to have in their new digs.

Things that remind me of home:
warm bagels
salt water taffy
the smell of the beach
the pounding of waves
the honking of a taxi
the sunrise
a brick driveway
pushy people
that distinct east coast accent
the giants
the mets
What reminds you of home?
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