Monday, February 9, 2015

Photograph of the Week

I thought I'd start to post my own favorite photograph from the previous week. I've been taking pictures almost daily those days - they are all on my Instagram account. There is a button on the right margin that will bring you to all the pictures on my account. And if you aren't on Instagram, you'll see the best of the best since I'll be posting one every Monday here. 

This first photograph was captured at an antique mall that I went to over the weekend. It's a picture of a large format camera and selling at $190. It was beautiful! If I had the mad money in my pocket at the time, I would've bought it in a heartbeat! 

I thought there was some irony here that I was taking a picture of a real old camera with a really new "phone". If you look closely you can see the Apple logo in the lens. I'm still amazed by what you can do with a phone these days. And truth is, I hardly call anyone anymore! 

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