I think this may have been the first art show that CJ was genuinely pleased with his participation. He really enjoyed Kidz Artz, but there seemed to be something about the process of working on this piece and how difficult it was to muster up the idea and then how to carry out the execution and all the procrastinating, and all the self-doubt and all the... well you know what I mean. I think he began to appreciate the process of making something. Or maybe not. It's hard to tell. He's not quite 8 years old.
All I know is that once he decided what he was going to do his focus was stellar. It was all the warming up that seemed the most difficult. It didn't take much cajoling, cheering, or mothering to get him to work on his piece, and in the end I think he was pleased with the end result. And then came the questions. And the introspection. And a little self-admiration with what he had accomplished.
"People are asking me about my artwork!" he says.
"Well what did they ask?" I say.
"Oh I don't know," he shrugs. "Just like, what does the story mean and things like that."
"And what did you say?"
"I don't know. I didn't know what to say. I just walked away."
What can we all say about our own art anyway. We just do it.
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