Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

View from the ground of Cat in the Hat in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, 1996.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wednesday's Photo

My awesome find in the Wexner gift shop today! Yay Mark Ryden!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday's Photo: The Pilgrim

My favorite pilgrim home from school!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's Photo: The Cooper Matriarch

On this day, in 2002, my Grandmother, Rose Cooper died. I wanted to take a second to remember her today, because she was a great lady. And I miss her very much. And I have nothing but good memories of her.

Ever since, family gatherings have never quite been the same to me, although we are all still pretty close. To me, it was the day the matriarch died, though, and the torch was passed to the next generation, which of course makes us all a little closer to the grave ourselves. But simply, if there was ever a person in my life with whom my relationship was never complicated, never strained, never second-guessed, never judged or never treated without anything but respect, it was my relationship with her.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday's Photo

A replenishment of inventory.

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Little Analytics Fun

Happy Monday everyone! The most favorite thing for me to do in the morning while eating my bagel and drinking my sweet nectar of Arizona iced tea, is to check my stats with Google analytics. Yesterday was a good day for the shop, and it never ceases to entertain me with the "keywords" that get people to my site. Such as:

hello betty maple syrup orange
Somewhere out there some chick named Betty is making orange-flavored maple syrup I suppose? Not sure, I but don't sell food.

fancy lady housewares
For the fanciest of ladies, yes, please shop at Revelry Press. And bring your husband's wallet.

halloween survival kit
Box wine, a xanax, and a mask (for the morning after).

half marathon necklace
hmmm, a necklace you receive for going 13 miles?

wheel thrown in the "wonky" style
The way Willy Wonka throws wheels?

Anyway, here's your photo for today. I'm cheating this a bit since it wasn't exactly taken today, but I'm adding it to my online photo gallery today.