Sunday, September 27, 2009

I made a Treasury List!

For any of my readers who know about Etsy or have shops on Etsy, you know a bit about how tricky it can be to get a Treasury list published. Well, tonight I was able to do it! I was very excited! My list is titled, "Mad about the vintage." And you can see it here. It celebrates my love for everything vintage or vintage-inspired.

It felt good to be able to make one since I have been on other people's treasury lists and haven't been able to do any payback yet. So here is my payback to the world for this week. A nice way to start it off.

Treasury list does not expire until Tuesday night at 11pm. So there's plenty of time to shop. Just sayin'. Here's one item from the list to whet your appetite.

1 comment:

Alissa said...
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