Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Only Kids May Enter Here

One of the things I've enjoyed most about working from home since the spring is the flexibility. I really love being able to get in my car and go when I need to, or just stop and take a break to be with the kids if I feel like it. While that means longer work hours into the evening when they are asleep, it affords me the luxury that I didn't have before when I was cooped up in an office: face time.

So one of the luxuries I had missed out on in the past, is experiencing the joys of the first day of school. And I mean the very first day of preschool. Today Andrew started his first day of preschool, and I was so glad to have been there to experience it with him.

Here's the photo shoot:

Decked out in his "aloha" shirt, he confidently walked through the curtains and into his first day of preschool without trepidation.

Another milestone accomplished.

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